Social media: how to unfollow

Do you sometimes get annoyed by what you see on social media? You wish you just didn’t have to see someone’s post about something?

Photo Credit: Alexander Smolianitski via Compfight cc

Some social media sites are picking up on this and making changes so we can customize our social media experience.

Take a look at this article on how to customize your Facebook newsfeed. 

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Your child’s health and the internet

When you have questions about your health, where do you go first? Many of us go to the internet. We know there are all kinds of things we could find there – good and bad. But there are ways to figure out what information you can trust and what is not trustworthy.

Who Needs a Librarian Sign by The Daring Librarian CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Continue reading Your child’s health and the internet

Dangers of sharing your location via social media

Social media is highly used among adolescents and teens.  While there are many perks to social media, it also has it’s dangers.  For example, some social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., will share your location without you even knowing. This could be troublesome for your privacy as well as your safety.

What are some of the dangers of sharing your location online?  And how can you prevent sharing too much information?

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What does Privacy mean to You?

What does privacy mean to you when it comes to Social Media?

heart What does it mean to you when something is on facebook or another social media website? Is anything truely private once it’s on the internet?

We try to keep our website as confidential and secure as possible, which is why we have usernames that are not connected to our actual names, and we have password protected entry into this study. As much as possible we have taken precautions to protect your safety and identity. What have you done on social media to protect your personal information? Have you had a conversation with your adolescent about social media privacy?

Tell us your experiences with social media and privacy and what that means to you?

Posting Pictures on Social Media

It can be challenging to decide what is okay to post on your personal page and what is not okay to post. It is important to remember that anyone can see the things you and your teens talk about or the pictures that are uploaded. Keeping a clean social media site can be a great way for your teens to market themselves! Here are a few examples of what to post and what NOT to post. Talking to your teens about guidelines for posting can help a lot!

What To Post:

Photo Credit: Stig Nygaard via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: Stig Nygaard via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: adwriter via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: adwriter via Compfight cc
  • Pictures of traveling, hanging out with friends, or family gatherings are nice to share on social media sites.

What Not To Post:

Photo Credit: natloans via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: natloans via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: nerissa's ring via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: nerissa’s ring via Compfight cc
  • Pictures of underage activities like drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes can be very harmful. Also, pictures that display private information like credit card numbers, phone numbers, or residential addresses are a bad idea.

Can you think of anything else you see on social media that would be a bad idea for your teens to post? Let us know in the comments!

How to Block Someone on Facebook

Sometimes you need to block someone out of your life. Maybe they bully you in real life or online. You do not have to tolerate that. There’s an easy way to make yourself “invisible” on facebook – you block them. They can’t even see what you say in a group message if you block them. You’re profile disappears from ever being seen by them.


To block someone:
  1. Click at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Click How do I stop someone from bothering me?
  3. Enter the name or email address of the person you want to block and click Block.
  4. If you entered a name, select the specific person you want to block from the list that appears.

Have you ever blocked someone on facebook? Share your story with us in the comments. 

Social Media Image

One thing that can be really tough when you have a mental illness is feeling like you are less than. Especially when seeing stuff on facebook, twitter, instagram,

Photo Credit: via Do Something
Photo Credit: via Do Something

and the like. It can be hard to feel like you’ve made any progress toward a healthier you when it seems like everyone you see is on vacation, or cooking like a pro, or having a blast with all their friends. These things also affect adolescents, and perhaps even more so because this is the world they are emerging into rather than coming from it as an adult.

One thing to keep in mind is that you can only compare your progress and your health to yourself. Your story and process are unique to you and it’s important to be mindful that most people are putting things that make them look good on social media.

What are some ways that you cope with the idea of the “perfect” image? What helps you remember that everyone is human, and everyone struggles? What makes you feel less alone? How can you support your adolescent in this?

Think Before you Post

Photo Credit: Ronsel via Compfight cc

Have you ever stopped to think about how what you post may affect your peers’ feelings? It is important to remember that although you are entitled to your own opinion, posting about it may be a bad idea. Hurting someone’s feelings with a status post happens more than you think. Here are a few ways to reflect on what you post so that this does not happen.

  1. Make sure there are no derogatory words or phrases in your posts
  2. Think to yourself “how might the post make other people feel”
  3. Do not shut down other peoples opinions or values even if you think they are wrong
  4. Is your post bullying or harassing someone or a group of people?

Let us know about a time you thought it was best to rephrase a post so that it did not hurt someone’s feelings!

How to Block on Social Media

While social media is often a place to connect with your friends and relatives, it can easily become a place for unwelcome users as well. One of the greatest aspects of today’s social media outlets is that each of them have developed a way for you to block or delete anyone that you do not want to see your posts or to contact you.

Photo Credit: racheocity via Compfight cc

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