Does my child have depression?


It can be tough to decide whether you believe your child has depression or does not. Why is that? Mental health symptoms happen on the inside – they don’t show up like a rash on the skin that everyone can see. When symptoms show up on the inside, the only way you can “see” them, is by the person explaining to you how they feel, or by what you see as their behavior. If they are also having trouble understanding how they feel and are worried about what you will think if they say anything, they might not share that with you. That is one good reason why if you are the least bit worried, a good idea is to ask your doctor for help figuring it out.

Some behaviors can be signs of depression symptoms:

  • Feeling depressed or irritable
    • ex. closing up in one’s room, getting into arguments easily
  • Not interested in activities or people which used to be fun
    • ex. not playing sport or instrument anymore, hanging out less with friends
  • Eating/appetite changes
    • ex. eating less or more, not interested in foods used to like
  • Sleeping pattern changes
    • ex. sleeping all the time or not being able to sleep
  • More tired, less energy
  • Feeling worthless/guilty
    • ex. taking criticism to heart
  • Trouble concentrating
    • ex. tough time getting homework done
  • Thinking about or acting on suicidal thoughts, self-destructive behavior
    • ex. cutting – this may be due to having suicidal thoughts or it may be a way to just feel better without thinking about suicide

In the end, you know when your child is not being themselves. Its normal for teens to want to be independent and make their own decisions – they might be argumentative when they don’t get their way. Being depressed is different – they should still be doing things they enjoy and think are fun. And how well they do in school or other activities shouldn’t be going downhill.

If you are worried at all, you don’t have to be totally sure of what is going on to ask a doctor for help.



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