Sleep Cycle

Photo Credit: Oliver Degabriele via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: Oliver Degabriele via Compfight cc

As a college student who suffered from insomnia, it has been a tough fight for me to show up and pay attention in class. I tried all of the resources that my school offered: I went to counseling, I met with a psychiatrist, I took prescribed medication. However, most of the time the medication I was taking was too sedating.  It left me feeling groggy and I had trouble concentrating. There was one thing, though, that every doctor I saw has emphasized: practicing good sleep hygiene. If you are able to practice sleep hygiene, it is definitely essential to helping improve your sleep habits, as well as sleep quality. Check out our article on sleep hygiene for more information.

Continue reading Sleep Cycle

I’m a Better Person Without Social Media

An ambassador on our SOVA site recently wrote about her experience with social media in order to provide some guidance for others who might feel dependent on it. Here’s what she had to say:

In this day and age, social media is the norm. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook—we spend so much time on these sites and apps that we don’t always realize the negative effects they can have on us.

I’m one of those people. Continue reading I’m a Better Person Without Social Media

Family Communication

We found this research study about adolescents’ relationships with their parents and we thought it was interesting.

This is why we think this resource is helpful: it supports that the better a family communicates, the more satisfied they are and the less disagreements they have.  Also, the better family communication, the higher the teen’s self-esteem!

Continue reading Family Communication

In Case of Emergency (ICE)

Retrieved online on 18 Sept 2017 from
Retrieved online on 18 Sept 2017 from

Most mobile phones require a password or Touch ID to access the phone.  These settings are for our security and to protect our personal information. However, did you know you can make your health information available in case there was an emergency?  This information, such as an emergency contact, can be accessible from the lock screen (without someone knowing your password or entering your phone).

Continue reading In Case of Emergency (ICE)

Self-Care Cards

 Photo Credit: Social Work Core Principles of Trauma-Informed Care
Photo Credit: Social Work Core Principles of Trauma-Informed Care

We came across an article about creating Self-Care Cards for yourself that you can print off, design and slip into your wallet, purse or pocket. These little cards have really good tools on them that can help you through a rough moment.

One of the things I really liked in these cards was the grounding techniques listed.

When having rough moment, it can be hard to come back into the present and your body. Using grounding exercises can help you come back to yourself so that you can calm down mindfully. This can be difficult for adults and even more so for adolescents.

Tell us if you decide to download the cards and make the booklet for yourself or your adolescent! Do you think this is a useful tool? How and where would you use it? How would your adolescent benefit?

Social Media No-Nos

Most likely you’ve heard about being responsible when posting on social media. It’s a topic that can seem easy to accomplish, but often the line between what is and what is not appropriate to share on social media sites can become easily blurred. We are use to posting anything that comes to mind, and sharing any picture that displays what we have been up to without a second thought.

Startup Stock Photo
photo credit: stock snap

However, as technology advances, and we share more of our lives on social media, employers and other important individuals or establishments (e.g., universities) are increasing their methods for social media creeping.

Continue reading Social Media No-Nos

Journaling to Reduce Stress

Do you keep a journal?  This article writes about how journaling, even for just a few minutes a day, can help you with your mental and physical health!

letterHere are some interesting facts from the article:

Continue reading Journaling to Reduce Stress