Setting Emotional Boundaries

Experiencing depression or anxiety, along with other mood disorders, often feels as if there’s a weight placed on you. It’s this overwhelming heavy feeling, as if you have a bag full of bricks strapped to your back. Oftentimes, this metaphorical bag is full of “what-if’s, but’s, and should’s.” The anxieties about the past and the future can fill up your bag and make it hard for you to climb out of a rut. Continue reading Setting Emotional Boundaries

Excuse to Exercise

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

Going into your freshman year of college is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. I felt so alone and so helpless at times. Even at times where I was surrounded by my friends, I felt alone. I got help and started seeing a therapist regularly just to talk. Continue reading Excuse to Exercise

So School…

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

Okay, so I am aware that what I am about to talk about may not seem like a big issue to most people, but for me, it is a HUGE deal. I got my first ever B in my 13 years (including kindergarten) of school and I am kind of freaking out about it. Continue reading So School…

Playing Puzzles for Stress Relief

We all have a tendency to turn to our phones when we’re bored. It could be when you’re waiting in the hallway or at your desk waiting for class to start, on public transportation, or just in bed killing time before sleeping. While this often tends to be us lingering on social media sites, there are tons of apps to explore, with some being more beneficial than others. Continue reading Playing Puzzles for Stress Relief

Being Left on “Read”

We’ve all done it: we get a message from someone and whether we intend to or not, never respond. We’ve all had the opposite done to us too: we send a message to someone, and they just never respond.

Being left on read (or being ignored when sending a message to someone) isn’t exactly the best feeling. Tons of thoughts and questions can go through our head. Did I say the wrong thing? Should I have worded this better? Am I being annoying? Do they not want to talk to me? Do they even like me? Continue reading Being Left on “Read”

Struggling with Self Confidence

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

I have never been a confident person, and I don’t think I ever will be. I am immensely insecure, mostly for superficial reasons. As a woman, I feel pressure to be beautiful, but I don’t actually feel beautiful. I am so insecure that I often won’t let people take photos of me or go out with friends because I only feel gross in comparison. Continue reading Struggling with Self Confidence

New to the Blog, New to Blogging

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

Hi, guys!

This is my first blog post ever. After a suggestion from my therapist to write about living with major depressive disorder, I came across SOVA and thought I should give it a try since I found writing to be therapeutic in the past. This is going to be a little introduction post about me, my diagnosis, and about what I would like to discuss in future posts. Continue reading New to the Blog, New to Blogging

Coping with College

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

I was a freshman in college not too long ago. I was nervous but excited to embark in my new journey. I struggled my first semester due to academic factors such as classes and exams. The new environment was was another factor. New friends, moving away from home, not having my family around in just case I needed them to vent and pour my emotions to, who wouldn’t be terrified?  Changing and incorporating new techniques into my life helped me balance my life significantly. Therefore, I will list a few tips that I have incorporated to make my experience a smooth transition. Continue reading Coping with College

When is Blocking Okay?

We all want to have the best experience that we can on social media. Even if it seems that there’s a lot going at once online, from the 24/7 news cycle to the millions of accounts that we can encounter, we still have the ability to control our experience. We can choose who we want to follow, what topics and tags to track, and can go private so we can limit who we want to engage with. Continue reading When is Blocking Okay?