How to use Empathy

This video was based off of a TED talk by Dr. Brené Brown. She is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame.

Have you been on both side of the hole? Have you ever climbed down in the hole to be with you child? Has it helped?

How did this video make you feel? Did it make you want to make some changes in your life? Or remind you of something you or your child went through? Please share below.

Interpersonal Therapy

We don’t live our lives in a bubble. Whether we want to or not we have to live with each other and this can affect our day-to-day experiences.

Interpersonal therapy, or IPT, is a type of psychotherapy that has been shown to be effective for depression and anxiety in adolescents.

Featured image: Photo Credit: via Compfight cc

Continue reading Interpersonal Therapy

Using Behavioral Methods to Manage Your Depression

Often times when a person is depressed they may feel tired or have a lack of motivation and energy. These changes in mood can often times lead a person, who is feeling depressed, to not carrying out their daily tasks, activities, and responsibilities. All of these responsibilities at home, school, or work can begin to pile up for your adolescent. This can lead them to feeling overwhelmed and creating an increased feeling of guilt, uselessness, and failure. This can become a vicious cycle that increases the depressed mood and further lowers motivation. By encouraging your adolescent to increase their activity levels, it can help them to feel better, be less tired, and think more clearly. Positive experiences can help alleviate some of the depressed feelings and mood. 100_7053 Continue reading Using Behavioral Methods to Manage Your Depression

A Few Tips and Tricks to Using Social Media with Depression and Anxiety

Photo Credit: Visual Content Flickr via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: Visual Content Flickr via Compfight cc

Symptoms of depression and/or anxiety can be made worse by using social media. In recent blog posts, we have talked about some of the ways social media can bring out negative emotions in people. Social media content can make people feel jealous of one another. Your adolescent might be comparing the number of likes they get to those of their classmates and it doesn’t do anything to build positivity. People tend to show their “best self” on social media. But the truth is everyone has their own, unique struggles, even that girl your adolescent knows who’s always posting hilarious, creative stuff. For today’s post, we wanted to share a few tips and tricks to using social media when you’re feeling depressed or anxious. Continue reading A Few Tips and Tricks to Using Social Media with Depression and Anxiety

What Makes Someone A Good Member of Your Child’s Support System

A key part to improving and getting better while dealing with a mental illness is having a support system. That’s why at SOVA and WiseSOVA we are trying to start and build an online community that supports each other. However, a support system can also include friends and family. But when it comes to supporting your adolescent, how do you know what makes someone (or something) a good support? Psychology today wrote a great article about what makes someone a good, supportive friend. Being a good friend is broken down into 3 major components: integrity, caring, and congeniality.

Photo Credit: ohthecuteness via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: ohthecuteness via Compfight cc


Trustworthiness – knowing you can share your thoughts and feelings with this person and they won’t talk behind your back or tell others without cause

Dependability – You can count on them to be there for you when you need them, and will support and believe in you even when you can’t believe in yourself.

Being able to trust – You feel comfortable being vulnerable with this person


Empathy – Have the ability to understand what is going on with you or/and recognize your feeling and react accordingly

Non-judgmental – Friends are to uplift you, not accept you as you are-even if it is different them.

Listening Skills – close communication where you can both share intimate thoughts, feelings, and experiences.


Fun to be around – you have to genuinely enjoying being around this person.

These are just are just a few traits to look for when your adolescent is building their support system. The people your adolescent surrounds themselves with can impact how they see the world. Knowing that they have supportive, caring, and trustworthy people in their corner to help them through the good and bad times is something everyone should be looking for. Reaching out for help can be difficult to do at times, but if your adolescent has a group of people surrounding them, whether in person or through an online community, that are non-judgmental, attentive, and trustworthy with information can make life and its challenges slightly easier.

What are some good traits you look for in your adolescent’s support system?

Easy-to-learn Yoga Poses

Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and negative emotions. Some people who practice yoga regularly can do some pretty cool poses. When you’re first starting out with yoga, it’s good to start with the basics. SOVA’s alum, Amie, put some awesome YouTube videos together outlining some yoga poses. If you’re looking to read more about Yoga and its benefits, here are some blog posts we’ve done.

  1. Reducing Stress with Easy Yoga
  2. When in doubt, “OM” it out
  3. Stop, Breathe, Think

Check out the videos and let us know what you think!

Selena Gomez Talks About Her Mental Health

Photo Credit: conceptx_design Flickr via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: conceptx_design Flickr via Compfight cc

Selena Gomez recently spoke to Vogue magazine about her experiences with mental illness and getting help. Selena is another example of a celebrity using their voice to erase the stigma about mental illness and getting treatment. The things that celebrities say have a lot of push. Their message is able to reach a huge mass of people. For Selena- or anyone for that matter- to be open about mental illness helps to normalize the experience and decrease stigma. Here are some of her quotes about mental health.

Blurbs from Selena’s Vogue interview

Before getting treatment, Selena was on tour performing her music. Looking back, she had this to say in her Vogue magazine interview:

“My self-esteem was shot. I was depressed, anxious. I started to have panic attacks right before getting onstage, or right after leaving the stage. Basically I felt I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t capable. I felt I wasn’t giving my fans anything, and they could see it—which, I think, was a complete distortion…” Continue reading Selena Gomez Talks About Her Mental Health