Selena Gomez Talks About Her Mental Health

Selena Gomez recently spoke to Vogue magazine about her experiences with mental illness and getting help. Selena is another example of a celebrity using their voice to erase the stigma about mental illness and getting treatment. The things that celebrities say have a lot of push. Their message is able to reach a huge mass … Continue reading Selena Gomez Talks About Her Mental Health

Heard Around Mental Health Twitter

There are some pretty cool things happening in the world of mental health lately. We thought it’d be good to share some tweets from some mental health organizations. Social media has it’s downsides, but connecting people to resources is not one of them. Being aware about what’s going on in the mental health field is an important … Continue reading Heard Around Mental Health Twitter

“Smiling Depression” – A Mask Worn to Hide Feelings

Smiling depression. A person can look as if their whole life is together but still be suffering from depression. Everyone experiences and expresses their depression symptoms differently. Psychology Today defines smiling depression as “appearing happy to others, literally smiling, while internally suffering with depressive symptoms. Smiling depression often goes undetected. Those suffering often discount their … Continue reading “Smiling Depression” – A Mask Worn to Hide Feelings

Alternatives to the Language We Use

In American society, a lot of words are casually kicked around that have the power to be stigmatizing, insulting, and harmful.  Almost everyone is guilty of it; you find out that it’s supposed to be 70 degrees in February, “that’s crazy!” or you find out that your flights been delayed for five hours, “Oh my … Continue reading Alternatives to the Language We Use

Professional Spotlight: Dr. Chugani and Dialectal Behavior Therapy

The SOVA team recently had the exciting opportunity to sit down with Dr. Carla Chugani, Ph.D., LPC, a licensed professional counselor that specializes in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is a type of therapy that was developed to treat individuals with suicidal thoughts and certain mental illnesses (such as borderline personality disorder). We had the … Continue reading Professional Spotlight: Dr. Chugani and Dialectal Behavior Therapy