It’s Always Time to be Thankful

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives.

With fall in full bloom and Thanksgiving on the way, now is the perfect time to start reflecting on what it is that you are thankful for every day. Although it is always the perfect time to be thankful, sometimes it is hard to remember the positives in your life during stressful times. It was a challenge for me for quite some time to find the good in every bad scenario I was thrown. But I guarantee there is almost always something good behind everything bad, whether that be a lesson or a loving, helping hand guiding you through whatever struggle you are dealing with that you can learn to cherish.

Here lies the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself, though. And an even better way to take your mind off of the negative feelings and thoughts that may intrude your mind. Whenever something bad happens, or maybe even a small inconvenience occurs, immediately cease analyzing the situation negatively and begin to evaluate what it is about it that could be construed as a positive. Ask yourself any of the following questions: question-mark-2123967_640

  • What lesson, if any, could be learned from this?
  • Will this make me a stronger person?
  • Do I have loved ones supporting and helping me through it?
  • Will I be able to get through this again, were it to happen again?

Self-efficacy is perhaps one of the strongest motivators and improvements to self-esteem. Self-efficacy is one’s belief about their ability to overcome certain situations and succeed in the future. It helps individuals to push themselves through tough situations in order to come out stronger, and more self-assured than before.

Flooding negative thoughts with positive ones may seem arduous at first, but with enough practice, it will allow for a much healthier and positive learning process to arise out of hardship. Another challenge I present you, should you desire to accept it, is to reflect on at least one thing you are thankful for, for each day of November leading up to (and ideally following) Thanksgiving. I personally suggest keeping a journal and recording each day’s reflection so that you may look back on it and recall what it is/was that you were thankful for that given day to provide some inspiration or additional clarity whenever needed. I wish you the warmest and happiest holiday season this year and hope you can gain some insight as to what it is you are thankful for every day of the year.

How do you find ways to stay positive? Do you think there are ways to find positives in situations? What are you thankful for?

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