The Winter Blues

Now that we are in the midst of the winter season, it is important to think of ways to deal with the stress surrounding this time of year. For adolescents and young adults in school, the semester is wrapping up meaning there’s finals and papers to worry about before break. Stress can also be brought on by the various commitments many people have during the winter months. Sometimes, this time of year can be hard on the wallet as well. The wintertime can bring

Photo Credit: Alexey Kljatov (ChaoticMind75) Flickr via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: Alexey Kljatov (ChaoticMind75) Flickr via Compfight cc

on feelings of loneliness and depression for some. Other factors like Seasonal Affective Disorder can lead some to feel stressed and depressed during the shorter, winter days. All of these things can add up to create what some refer to as the “winter blues.” By planning ahead, it is easier to prevent and lessen the stress and negative emotions that comes during this season for many. Here are some tips to do just that:

1)      Be in tune with your feelings- it’s important to be aware of your feelings and use self-care as much as possible

2)      Reach out for support- Because this time of year can be stressful and lonely for some, it’s important to depend on the people you trust to help. As a parent of guardian, its important to be available if you’re adolescent or young adult is having a hard time.

3)      Take a breather- Be sure to make some you-time. It might be hard to fit self-care in to a busy schedule, but taking time to yourself can help by reducing stress and clearing your mind.

Find some more helpful tips at Mayo Clinic’s website or check out Time Magazine’s post about the winter blues.

Do you have ways to reduce stress during this time of year? Let us know in the comments below!

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