Body Image and Summer

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

As the warm weather approaches, my social media feed goes straight to summer clothes and swimsuits. Stores become filled with tanktops and shorts and all I can think about is how I don’t want to see myself in any of them. Continue reading Body Image and Summer

The South Asian Sexual and Mental Health Alliance

For Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Month, we wanted to highlight the South Asian Sexual and Mental Health Alliance (SASMHA) today. The organization was developed to specifically provide resources and fight the cultural stigma that South Asian youths (who also referred to themselves as “desis”) face when it comes to various topics, including mental health. Continue reading The South Asian Sexual and Mental Health Alliance

Work Stress

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

I am struggling with work at the moment. I have started a new position and I am about 2 weeks in. I have been working 12 hour midnight shifts and have been working between 50-60 hours a week. The job has been physically, mentally and emotionally draining and I am having a difficult time dealing with the stress. Continue reading Work Stress

Summer Intentions

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

This is my last summer break until I graduating college in the fall, along with afterward starting a new year in the 9-5 full-time realm of my career. Although, that being said, I try to make the most of my summer breaks with the days I do get off work. I feel like making my summer plan makes me more productive, and a lot happier overall. That being said, I wanted to share a few things I do to accomplish this.  Continue reading Summer Intentions

Hats Off to a Fresh Start

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

As I scroll through Instagram, my feed is starting to fill up with a plethora of creative graduation posts, from tossing graduation hats to making nostalgic videos of old schools. Similar to my Instagram feed, my mind is starting to fill up too. I am so overjoyed to see my friends succeeding and smiling and I’m curious as to what everyone’s future plans and goals are. It is sad to feel some FOMO, both within myself for not being able to physically congratulate those who I love, and for others who may not be able to attend in-person ceremonies. But I am also anxious, frequently wondering, “will everything be okay?” Continue reading Hats Off to a Fresh Start

When is Blocking Okay?

We all want to have the best experience that we can on social media. Even if it seems that there’s a lot going at once online, from the 24/7 news cycle to the millions of accounts that we can encounter, we still have the ability to control our experience. We can choose who we want to follow, what topics and tags to track, and can go private so we can limit who we want to engage with. Continue reading When is Blocking Okay?

Emotional Independence

The SOVA Project is happy to feature this blog post written by one in our team of fantastic SOVA Ambassadors—these are young people who help create meaningful blog posts from adolescents’ perspectives. We hope you can use their post to start a conversation with your adolescent.

Like many people, I struggled with my mental health through quarantine. I was very unproductive and was constantly distracting myself with my phone. I developed bad physical and mental habits. I felt angry over quarantine at myself and the people around me. I was afraid to express this anger and my feeling of anxiety and stress because I knew my family members and friends were dealing with their own problems. It bothered me to see myself drifting away from friends because we were more isolated and long-distance over quarantine. Even now, I’m still away from the relationships I’ve built on my college campus. There are things that happen with my friends from college that I don’t understand because I’m not there to experience them. Therefore, we don’t share the deep friendships and talks we used to.  Continue reading Emotional Independence

How to Use Empathy

This video was based on a TED talk by Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, shame, and belonging.

Have you been on both sides of the hole? Have you ever climbed down in the hole to be with you child? Has it helped?

How did this video make you feel? What kind of changes in your life did it make you want to make? Or did it remind you of something you or your child went through? Please share below.