100 Happy Days

Have you heard of 100 happy days?

The idea is to take a picture every day of something that makes you happy.

When you try to find something each day that makes you happy, it helps you focus on the positive that day, instead of being stuck in the negative.

Sometimes when our children are struggling, it can be tough to stay positive. But each day is usually not just a good one or just a bad one. There are many things that happen in between.

There is also research showing that when you look back at positive moments like happy pictures, they help you “savor” and focus on positive feelings. And that can increase positive emotion.

It might be a fun thing to do with your child! If you feel ok doing it, share it on social media or even with a small group of friends or family who you know will support you in it. They tried it out on the Today Show and loved it!

Let us know below if you tried it and how it went! Or if you plan on trying it!

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