An App to Consider: Oak

There are a lot of benefits with deep breathing. Although the steps are incredibly simple (deep breath in, hold, breathe out, repeat), you can try different patterns and lengths of time, and may need some assistance with it. You may also want a source of some background noise instead of searching “calming sounds” online and hoping for the best.

Continue reading An App to Consider: Oak

Building Better Habits

Although it can happen at anytime, there are certain points in the year where it just feels right to reorganize and refresh your routine and lifestyle. There’s the beginning of the year (remember when Marie Kondo was everywhere in January?) and of course, spring cleaning, when the weather starts to get warmer and it feels like we’re waking up from a stuffy winter-long hibernation. Continue reading Building Better Habits

Weekend Reads: Starting College

To put it simply: starting college can be one of the most exciting and most stressful times in our lives. Major transitions in our lives like starting a new school, moving, and navigating and settling into your identity can be a shock to our system. It’s takes your daily routine and turns it inside-out, puts you in settings you’re not familiar with, and takes us entirely out of our comfort zone.  Continue reading Weekend Reads: Starting College

Ways to Make Starting College a Little Easier

If your child is starting their first year in college, chances are, you’re thinking about a lot of things. Where to buy dorm items, getting in touch with their roommate, preparing for a completely different kind of class schedule, learning the campus, and so on. It can be pretty overwhelming, and definitely stressful. Continue reading Ways to Make Starting College a Little Easier

Playing Puzzles for Stress Relief

We all have a tendency to turn to our phones when we’re bored. It could be when you’re waiting in the hallway or at your desk waiting for class to start, on public transportation, or just in bed killing time before sleeping. While this often tends to be us lingering on social media sites, there are tons of apps to explore, with some being more beneficial than others. Continue reading Playing Puzzles for Stress Relief