Nature Photo Contest!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Nature Photo Contest! Take a peek through the gallery to see all of the photos. The winner’s username is posted in the comments section, so remember to login to see if it was you. The winner is also featured in our July Newsletter and their photo is posted on our Instagram Page: sovaproject. Be on the lookout for our August Photo Contest!

Interested in participating in another photo contest? Place some suggestions in the comments below! 

SOVA Project’s Pet Photo Contest!

Thanks to all of the users who participated in the SOVA Project’s Pet Photo Contest! Take a peek through the gallery for a complete look at the pictures. The winner’s username will be posted in the comments section, so remember to login to see if it is you. You can also check out the winning photo on our Instagram Page: sovaproject

Continue reading SOVA Project’s Pet Photo Contest!

The JED Foundation

Photo Credit: NSUN Network for Mental Health via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: NSUN Network for Mental Health via Compfight cc

Did you know about Love is Louder?

Love is Louder (LIL) is a movement of hundreds of thousands people to send the message of love and address issues like bullying, discrimination or depression.

LIL participants include schools, communities, individuals and families. They use arts to raise the perception that love and support are much louder than the internal voice and external biases that affect oneself in a negative way.

LIL is one of the many projects of the JED Foundation, founded by a couple of loving parents, Donna and Phil Sawtow, who lost their son, Jed, to suicide. The program’s mission is to promote mental health protection and prevent suicide among college and university students.

As a college student who suffered from mental illness, The Jed Foundation provided me immediate and extensive support on their website. For example, ULife is a connected program which provides confidential screenings and discreet counseling. To see that I am not alone in the mental health battle and that many people care about me has helped me through such a tough period.

For parents, I think JED is a valuable source of news that equips you with the mentality and resources that will help your children with their mental crisis.

Have you checked out the JED Foundation? Are the knowledge and resources provided in the website helpful to you? Keep in mind that you are not alone and there is support everywhere if you need it.

Mindful Self-Compassion

The Mindful Self-Compassion website is a great resource if you are looking for more information about mindfulness and being very compassionate with yourself! The website and book were developed by Christopher Germer, PhD is a clinical psychologist from Massachusetts. He specializes in mindfulness and compassion-based psychotherapy.


One of the things we really like about this website is that there is a page full of free meditations to download and listen to!

There are also some pdf’s available here if you wanted to print them or if you can’t listen to a meditation, but are able to read it.

Not only is this a wonderful resource for you as a parent, but also for adolescents.

Did you listen to a meditation? Did you download any? Would you share this with your adolescent? Tell us what you think of this resource in the comments! 

Community of parent peers offering support and education

Sometimes it can be tough to find helpful resources online. is a website run by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.


The balanced mind parent network is a group of parent peers who come together to provide support to each other around issues of depression and bipolar.

Continue reading Community of parent peers offering support and education